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Geared Up For The New Year – what’s new for apprentices and trainees

Firstly Happy 2019!

Trainees and apprentices are known for being keen to learn, wanting to translate their academic knowledge into practical application, and ultimately their goal is to complete their placement with a nationally recognised qualification. Apprentices and trainees can come from varying backgrounds – school leavers, people wanting to retrain for a different career path and those wanting to re-enter the workforce.

What is the difference between an apprentice and a trainee? An apprentice learns a skilled trade and when qualified goes on to become a qualified tradesperson ie. Carpenter, Plumber, electrician ETC. A trainee learns a vocational skill and earns certification that they are competent in that area ie. Information technology, office administration.

As you can tell there can be a great selection of tools required between apprentices and trainees. Not all tools will be provided by the employer – so it’s best to find out what you will need before you set off.  Do your research to find out as much as you can so you can be prepared. Your employer will help you to choose the right tools required.

The employer has already put in lots of consideration about the role the apprentice or trainee will play – will they be full time, part-time and what the job will involve, the resource allocated to this position and a review process within the probationary period and beyond.

Using a Group Training Organisation like Smart Employment Solutions means

  • Formalising with the Host employer their expectations and requirements from the apprentice or trainee.
  • The facilities, range of work and supervision to best support the trainee or apprentice to develop on-the-job knowledge and occupational competence is in place.
  • Taking care of admin and government requirements for the apprentice/trainee and Host Employer.

Each apprentice or trainee can expect:

  • A safe working environment
  • Access to structured training
  • Paid time off work to attend training when necessary
  • Every Opportunity to learn the skill and acquire the knowledge of their trade or traineeship

The host employer must be or have a qualified supervisor in the same workplace for predominantly the same working hours as the apprentice or trainee; this person must be in place when the training contract is signed, meaning that the apprentice or trainee will get real life advice while learning and earning for yourself.

If the employer cannot provide to the apprentice the full scope of work as outlined in the training plan then Smart Employment Solutions will arrange for the points to be covered off by a different host employer until such time as the competency has been reached. This might mean a rotation of employers for the apprentice or trainee.

What We Can Do For You:

Here at Smart Employment Solutions, we help you with the whole process, by recruiting suitable candidates, paying their wages, coordinating apprentice training, as well as undertaking performance monitoring. We take care of all the paperwork for you.

Contact Smart Employment Solutions today, to discuss what an apprentice could do for you or your business!


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